Microsoft Power BI training - We make you fit.

We strongly believe that tool security and data literacy in today's world will give you the competitive edge of your business needs. We offer a virtual and free Power BI Basic Training every month.

Learn Power BI every month for free with our pioneer Niklas and Medea.

Every month Niklas offers you a free one-day training. We are convinced that more good decisions will be made in your company if more employees master power BI.

The free training is for all employees who want to learn Power BI. It doesn't matter whether you work in IT, controlling or commercial administration. Register today using the form.

The date:

  • Time 08:30 h to 15:00 h in English
  • We conduct all appointments remotely (MS Teams)
  • Including personal certificate

Ready for the Power BI Champion?

Our training courses are perfect for scheduling and can be completed in 4-hour blocks.

So you still have enough time for your daily business. Become a Power BI Champion now and secure one of the few monthly places with Niklas for you and your company.

Are you already up to speed on Power BI?

Then check out our Power BI - DAX Deep Dive training And get even more insights from your data and your business..

What you will learn in the free Power BI training course

Our training follows a fixed and proven agenda. It creates the perfect balance of know-how transfer and you have enough time to try out what you have learned.

Time 8:30

Get to know each other and motivationStory,

Basic functions and overview of Microsoft Power BI

Time 10:00

Dashboard Cooking Live - Together we create your first report and show filters, formatting and much more.Coffee break ;-)

Time 12:30

Dashboard Cooking Live - Now we go deeper. We look at different visuals and charts and create two more break :-)

Time 14:00

Dashboard Cooking Live - We publish the reports on the Power BI service and explain several settings options for the operation of a secure reporting environment.Lesson learned and distribution of digital certificates :-)

End Time 15:30

Auf dem Bild sind glückliche Mitarbeiter der DatenPioniere

The measure of things during training. The questions and wishes of the participants have priority over any fixed agenda. Strictly according to the principle: “Hope everbody is happy.”

See who's trusting us so far

We are extremely proud of our customers and will contact you upon request so that you can enquire for yourself

Services Reviews - Corporation X Webflow Template
Christian Neyer (managing director)
Stahlotec GmbH
Stars - Corporation X Webflow Template

The introduction and support of Data Pioneers is 100% recommended. Absolute BI expertise and excellent service even in stressful situations.

Services Reviews - Corporation X Webflow Template
Hans Ulrik Harnisch (specialist)
Rheinlandversicherungsgruppe AG
Stars - Corporation X Webflow Template

Absolute top expertise. The introduction of MS Power BI has helped with excellent concepts and their implementation

Services Reviews - Corporation X Webflow Template
Marco Geuer (Head of BICC)
Fiege AG
Stars - Corporation X Webflow Template

As a training partner for Fiege Logistics, we regularly rely on the expertise of data pioneers.


Are you enthusiastic and need some more information? Then check out the questions/answers section here.

Is the training/ training really free of charge?

Yes, we are convinced that you will make better decisions if you master the Power BI tool. For example, we give our basic training free of charge once a month.

How many employees from a company are allowed to participate?

The number of places is always limited to 20 participants. We go by the First Come First Serve principle! We do not regulate how many employees are registered for a company. We assume that you understand that a diverse group is good and everyone should have the chance.

Is the training in person?

All free trainings are 100% digital and find using Microsoft Teams instead of. We will send you the data shortly in advance so that you can dial in on time. We appreciate it if you leave the camera switched on ;-)

Would you rather train in person and according to your requirements? Then write to us at

Where do I get the tool?

You know Power BI here Download for free and during the training we will refer to features that you can use without a Pro and Premium license.

Can I keep the work results?

Yes, of course. We want to support you and you can freely use all work results. For the day itself, we use the demo data from Microsoft “Northwind” and “Superstore.”

What kind of certificate do I get?

We work with the leading provider of training certificates and every participant receives a digital training certificate upon completion. By the way, you can also store the certificate on Linkedin. Just try it out.

Does the training prepare you for the Microsoft exam?

No, we want you to get started quickly and not learn training questions with us. However, our basic training can be used as a start. If you need a MOC course, sign up

Will there be a recording?

No, the training or training is not recorded.

Unfortunately I can't participate. What now?

That's a shame, we would have been happy to have had you. Just get in touch with us shortly in advance or with Niklas directly via phone, email or LinkedIn.

Feel free to check for other dates and sign up again.

Your question wasn't there yet?

Please contact us via the contact form.

How tight is your agenda?

The measure of things during training. The questions and wishes of the participants have priority over any set agenda. Strictly following the principle: “Hope Everbody Is Happy”

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